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& Standards

Our commitment

USpain is committed to the highest standards and adheres to the best practices in international study and internships, as defined by The Forum on Education Abroad:



Standard 1:  Mission and Goals: The organization has a mission statement and articulates clear goals for its education abroad programming.


USpain's mission follows:


USpain offers an academic study-abroad program especially designed for college Spanish majors by experienced academics, with an authentic immersion in everyday life for a fee that better reflects the true cost of studying and living in Spain


This statement is published on our website under Our Academic Directors.



Standard 2: Student Learning and Development: The organization’s mission, goals, and operations prioritize student learning and development.


USpain is an academic program designed to provide students with the highest-quality educational experience:

  • Core, fully-accredited courses offered by the University of Valencia;

  • Advanced, independent and/or Honors study led by our academic director;

  • Immersion and internship opportunities to expand and deepen linguistic and cultural fluency in "real-life" contexts.


For more information on our academic program, see Your Course Options.



Standard 3: Academic Framework: The organization delivers academic content appropriate to its stated mission and goals, ensures adequate academic supervision and evaluation, and maintains clear and transparent academic policies.


USpain describes its academic program on its website (see Our Academic Directors and Your Course Options). In addition:


  • The schedule of the International Courses in Hispanic Studies will be made available by the University of Valencia as soon as it is published.

  • Information regarding USpain's advanced courses and field seminars will be available to all applicants, advisors and faculty prior to registration; 

  • Independent and/or Honors projects supervised by USpain will be designed in collaboration with the student's on-campus faculty advisor; drafted with goals, tasks and evaluation criteria in writing; and approved by the student's home campus prior to his/her arrival in Valencia.



Standard 4. Student Selection, Preparation, and Advising: The organization maintains fair and ethical recruitment and selection processes, adequate student preparation and advising, and ongoing student support.


  • USpain is open to all students who meet the criteria set by their home campus to participate in a study-abroad program. We do not discriminate based on an applicant's race, ethnicity, sex, gender identification, religion, citizenship or residency status, or disability.

  • Our application process provides us with necessary information regarding a student's home-campus, permanent, and emergency contacts; academic preparation, interests and goals; and preferences for living arrangements, such as (but not limited to) housing and insurance.

  • During the registration process, we determine appropriate study, volunteer and/or internship options based on each student's interests, academic goals, and written and oral communication skills in Spanish.

  • Pre-term, USpain provides orientation webinars and individual advising by phone; on-site orientation sessions at the start of the term; and regular support for individual development and well-being throughout the term.



Standard 5. Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Measures: The organization articulates clear and accessible guidelines for student behavior and consequences resulting from violations.


During the application process, students will be provided with written agreements that detail applicable expectations, norms and rules of behavior during the term, along with consequences for infringement, from the following entities:


  • Their home-campus study-abroad office

  • The University of Valencia

  • USpain

  • National, regional and/or local authorities

  • Their housing authority (i.e., host family, landlord, resident director, etc.)

  • Any other business, organization or entity in contact with the student as part of his/her participation in USpain programming.


Students must sign each agreement as part of their application to participate in any USpain program.


USpain is not liable for student misconduct, nor for any damage, physical, emotional or psychological, to person or property, directly or indirectly arising from student misconduct, at any stage of the program. However, USpain will provide resources for students to report misconduct, as well as for students who wish to appeal such a report.



Standard 6. Policies and Procedures: The organization has well-defined and clearly-articulated policies and procedures that govern its programs and practices, ensures that they are fairly and consistently implemented, and conducts regular reviews to assess their effectiveness.


USpain's programs and practices are described throughout its website and stated clearly on this page. In addition:


  • We invite requests for specific information regarding USpain programs and procedures by interested parties. 

  • We welcome the input of home campus study-abroad and faculty advisors prior to each session; conduct exit interviews with students near the end of their term; and request feedback from program alumni and their home-campus study-abroad and faculty advisors at the term's end.

  • We stay up-to-date with publications from professional organizations such as The Forum on Education Abroad to ensure our knowledge of and adherence to recommended standards in international education.



Standard 7. Organizational and Program Resources: The organization ensures that its programs are adequately funded and staffed.


As an integral part of USpain's commitment to equity in international education:

  • Student fees are low, standard and include tuition, programming and housing; 

  • We keep administrative overhead costs to a minimum, so that students pay only for the services they receive;

  • USpain does not manage, organize or fund any other program, academic or otherwise, outside of that described in this website; 

  • All of our staff have PhDs in Spanish from American universities and decades of experience teaching, directing and advising university students; 

  • USpain is a company owned and directed by US citizens that operates in Spain as a comunidad de bienes according to all applicable laws and norms. 



Standard 8. Health, Safety, Security, and Risk Management: The organization prioritizes the health, safety, and security of its students through policies, procedures, advising, orientation, and training.


USpain is whole-heartedly committed to the physical, psychological, emotional and intellectual well-being of each of its students throughout the term:


  • We lead orientation sessions and regular consultations on good health habits and practical safety measures for living in Valencia.

  • We review, arrange and monitor our students' contact with local individuals, organizations or parties related to their participation in our program.

  • We provide information, resources and access for students with general or particular questions about health insurance, providers and access in Spain;

  • We assist students 24/7 in contacting the appropriate local, national and/or US authorities with any personal, health or legal issue arising from their participation in USpain.


Standard 9. Ethics: The organization operates its programs in accordance with ethical principles, and trains its staff and students in ethical decision-making and practices.


USpain adheres to a code of professional, academic and organizational ethics consistent with that of The Forum of Education Abroad:


  • To communicate truthfully and transparently about our organization's principals, structures, programming, partnerships, and policies;

  • To keep our students' academic, cultural, psychological, emotional, and physical well-being at the center of our programming;

  • To facilitate positive, mutually-rewarding relationships among our students and local residents via orientations, guided activities, and personal communication with all involved parties and appropriate authorities when needed;

  • To stay up-to-date with current recommended best practices in the field of international education;

  • To avoid conflicts of interest among USpain and Spanish and/or US individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, civic entities or businesses;

  • To welcome site visits by home campus study-abroad, administrative and/or faculty advisors, arranged with the assistance of, but not funded by, USpain.

  • To respond promptly and appropriately to any allegation that USpain has failed to comply with its stated programs, procedures and practices, as warranted.



Contact USpain to learn more about our commitment to excellence in international education.

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